Like to help Louisville Weimaraner Rescue in a big way? Buy something for yourself. Better yet, buy a lot of somethings for yourself!
Below you will find several companies that we have teamed up with that will send Louisville Weimaraner Rescue donations. Each company’s website has specific directions, and we hope to add more companies soon. Please check our website for updates regularly so that our rescue continues to be funded as needed.
You may make a direct, tax deductible monetary donation for our Weims here.
Weimaraner Rescue Fundraising
We have many products in our shop that were generously donated and/or lovingly crafted to help us raise funds! We have a great assortment including picture frames, Designs by Janvi, Snoods, Note Cards, Totes, Jewelry and more! Check out our shop!
For every item purchased, 10% will be donated to Louisville Weim Rescue.
Bravelets™ is not a non-profit organization. We are a for-profit company with giving at our core. We believe in transparency. We believe in making a difference. We don’t believe in the phrase “a portion of proceeds will be donated . . . ” What does that mean? What portion, what proceeds? That kind of giving is confusing and unfulfilling to the customer. Our giving is clear, transparent, and easy to understand. When buying a product from Bravelets, you always know the exact amount being donated, and exactly where it is going. We want you to be confident in your purchase, and proud to have made a difference.

Join www.iGive.com/louisvilleweimrescue. Because whenever you purchase everyday items at the Mall at iGive, up to 26% of every purchase is donated to LWR, at no cost to you! Wait, there’s more…
At iGive.com you get free membership; access to the over 600 brand-name merchants like Barnes & Noble, Eddie Bauer, Lands’ End and PETsMA; super savings and deals every day; and of course, free donations to Louisville Weimaraner Rescue! Join www.iGive.com/louisvilleweimrescue, and then shop ’til you drop. We’ll appreciate it!